China issues safety warning to its citizens over rioting in the UK

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2024-08-07 13:06:38

Switzerland calls on citizens to leave Lebanon as tensions rise

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2024-07-31 21:37:49

UK 'failed citizens' with flawed pandemic plans

First report from Covid Inquiry says better planning would have saved lives and lessened economic costs.
2024-07-19 02:06:50

UK 'failed citizens' with flawed pandemic plans

First report from Covid Inquiry says better planning would have saved lives and lessened economic costs.
2024-07-18 18:08:43

Australian soldier charged with spying for Russia

She and her husband, both Russian-born Australian citizens, allegedly stole military secrets.
2024-07-12 02:06:36

Third trial in huge 'Reich Citizens' case begins in Germany

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2024-06-18 19:08:23

Third trial in huge 'Reich Citizens' case begins in Germany

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2024-06-18 15:11:14

Third trial in huge 'Reich Citizens' case begins in Germany

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2024-06-18 14:10:39

Biden to give legal status to undocumented spouses

The White House says more than 500,000 spouses of US citizens will benefit from the new policy.
2024-06-18 12:09:18

Suspect confesses from German far-right 'Reich Citizens' terrorists

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2024-06-05 18:49:16

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2024-04-26 17:08:26

EU proposes UK free movement deal for young people

The EU Commission says UK and EU citizens under 30 should be able to work or study for up to four years.
2024-04-18 19:09:50

Suspect charged over German Reich Citizens coup plot involving Russia

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2024-04-08 21:08:47

Ukrainian citizens may be held captive by Hamas militants

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2023-10-13 12:10:32

Ukraine prepares to evacuate its citizens from Gaza

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2023-10-10 00:07:04

Ukraine starts evacuating citizens from Israel

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2023-10-11 20:07:46

Ukraine helps in evacuation of Moldovan citizens from Gaza

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2023-11-08 02:06:58

India Resumes Visas for Canadian Citizens as Tensions Ease

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2023-11-22 14:08:52

Cambodia: India rescues citizens forced to run online scams

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2024-04-01 10:08:42

Two Tanzanians and one South African among Hamas hostages, says Israel

None have been named but Tanzania has previously confirmed that two of its citizens were missing.
2023-10-26 15:10:42

India rescuing citizens forced into cyber fraud schemes in Cambodia

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2024-03-31 11:08:12

Nigeria ambush: Four killed in attack on US convoy in Anambra

Washington says no US citizens were in the convoy attacked in the south-eastern Anambra state.
2023-05-17 16:11:45

Finland closes four crossing points on Russia border

Helsinki said it was trying to halt a surge in illegal crossings from Russia, mostly of third-country citizens.
2023-11-18 01:06:48

Israel's Arab citizens demand justice after alarming rise in gang-related murders

Sajida Abu Salah, clad in all black, is angry.
2023-09-09 01:27:19

Anti-Israel mob reportedly storms Dagestan airport

Israel urges Russia to protect "all its citizens and all Jews" after a mob storms Makhachkala airport.
2023-10-29 22:08:02

Finland to close some crossing points on Russia border - PM

The country has seen a recent surge in illegal crossings from Russia, mostly of third-country citizens.
2023-11-16 17:08:11

2 Americans found dead in hotel room in Mexican resort town, US official says

Two American citizens were found dead Tuesday in a hotel room in Mexico, a US State Department spokesperson said.
2023-06-15 23:08:26

The US keeps deporting people to a country that it says is too dangerous for travel

The Biden administration has taken mixed positions on its policies involving Haiti -- with one federal agency warning that the Caribbean country is too dangerous for US citizens, while another agency deports Haitians back to the violence-torn country.
2023-09-06 22:18:54

The war has forced Israel's Arab citizens to explain that no, they are not Hamas

When 20-year-old Aya Najame, an Arab Muslim, was a little girl growing up in the northern Israeli port city of Haifa, she would go on cultural exchange trips to Jewish schools to learn about the Jewish way of life. Jewish children would do the same, visiting Najame's school to learn about her life.
2023-10-21 07:07:17

Beperelték a kínaiak Florida államot, miután a kormányzó törvényben tiltja számukra a lakásvásárlást

Kínai állampolgárok beperelték Floridát, miután a Ron DeSantis kormányzó által támogatott törvény megtiltotta számukra a lakásvásárlást. Az Amerikai Polgári Jogok Szövetsége szerint ez alkotmányellenes, mivel az faji vagy etnikai hovatartozáson alapul. DeSantis szerint a törvény védelmet nyújt Peking befolyásának erősödése ellen - írja a Bloomberg.
2023-05-23 11:10:23

Orosz oligarcha bajorországi ingatlanjainál razziáztak a rendőrök

Rendőrök és vámosok végeztek házkutatást csütörtökön átkutattak több dél-németországi ingatlanban, amelyek egy, az ügyet ismerő forrás szerint Aliser Uszmanov orosz oligarcha tulajdonában vannak ? írja a Reuters. Az orosz-üzbég üzletember Oroszország ukrajnai inváziója miatt rajta van az Európai Unió szankciós listáján. A német vámhatóság szankciós hivatala által létrehozott, ?Matrjoska? nevű különbizottság közleményben tudatta, hogy a tisztviselők a bajorországi München és Tegernsee környékén található ingatlanokat kutattak át. A  különbizottság közölte, hogy bírósági házkutatási parancsok al...
2023-10-05 19:35:44

Silicon Valley Bank: 500 jobs cut by new owner First Citizens

The move comes two months after SVB's collapse triggered fears of a banking crisis.
2023-05-25 08:11:49

Before she was kidnapped, an American nurse described Haitians as 'full of joy and love.' Last week, the US urged citizens to leave the island nation citing security concerns

Before Alix Dorsainvil was kidnapped with her child in Haiti, the American nurse described Haitians as a "resilient people" who are "full of joy and life and love."
2023-07-31 17:16:32

Niger coup: France to evacuate citizens after embassy attack

It comes amid growing anti-French sentiment, with its embassy recently coming under attack.
2023-08-01 13:47:46

Niger coup: France to evacuate citizens after embassy attack

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2023-08-01 13:56:53

Fukushima: Japan asks China to stop citizens making abusive calls

Businesses are fielding calls from Chinese numbers criticising the discharge of treated waste water.
2023-08-27 22:10:31

State Department issues worldwide caution for US citizens

Post Content
2023-10-19 20:09:18


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